Take Better Photos
Do you want to take better photos…by Christmas?! You are in the right place!
Get my FREE guide to take better photos. Includes 99+ ways to take more professional looking photos. My goal with this guide is to meet you where you are at. So if you don’t have a camera and you want to take better photos on your phone, great! There are tips for that. If you have a DSRL camera, but you don’t know how to use it, there are tips for that! And if you are pretty comfortable with your crop sensor (entry level) camera and are ready to level up I have tips and reasons for that too.
Includes Tips on:
-Shooting Technique
And more!

I hope you love this free guide! Be sure to follow along on the links below for more tips and DM or email me if you have questions.
Keri Calabrese Photography
Website / Blog / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / LTK
Email: hello@kericalabresephotography.com
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